Do I have to stay in the hospital?
No, though there are certain situations where it will make sense for you to stay.
To keep you comfortable after the procedure I will give you a nerve block during your UFE that can eliminate the need for any IV medications after the procedure. If you do not want the block, I will give you medicine by IV and as long as you need the IV medicine you must stay in the hospital.
Most people are much more comfortable at home than at the hospital (I know I would rather be home). A couple of hours after your procedure is over we will see how you are doing. If you are doing well, I will let you go home. I know other factors can play into your decision (too many kids to watch at home, a long drive, no one at home to help you) and am happy to keep you overnight if that works best for you. Another option to keep in mind is to book a room at a local hotel so you don't have to make a long drive.
If you stay I admit you to the gynecology floor in the hospital where the nurses are trained to work with UFE patients. Even though you spend the night it is still considered an outpatient procedure (23-hour admit) which saves you money.
To keep you comfortable after the procedure I will give you a nerve block during your UFE that can eliminate the need for any IV medications after the procedure. If you do not want the block, I will give you medicine by IV and as long as you need the IV medicine you must stay in the hospital.
Most people are much more comfortable at home than at the hospital (I know I would rather be home). A couple of hours after your procedure is over we will see how you are doing. If you are doing well, I will let you go home. I know other factors can play into your decision (too many kids to watch at home, a long drive, no one at home to help you) and am happy to keep you overnight if that works best for you. Another option to keep in mind is to book a room at a local hotel so you don't have to make a long drive.
If you stay I admit you to the gynecology floor in the hospital where the nurses are trained to work with UFE patients. Even though you spend the night it is still considered an outpatient procedure (23-hour admit) which saves you money.